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Popeye Taught Me That Words Can’t Define Me

Meet my new spinach-eating guru

Sheryll James
2 min readJan 16, 2023

Photo by Wikimedia Commons — cropped and edited by author

Something strange is happening — more and more people are using the word “cute” to describe me. Not only that, I heard there’s a rumor going ‘round that I’m “quirky.”

Shiver me timbers — I yam disgustipated!

Is this really the older woman I’ve become?! I was aiming for something more ostentatious, such as witty, complex, or downright awesome. But it appears I’m destined to become a “cute and quirky” neighborly retiree — and I can’t bear the disgrace!

That’s all I can stands, ’cause I can’t stands no more!

I felt squashed and deflated. But, as I reflected on my life, I got to thinking about the thousands of people I’ve met and the thousands of words they chose to depict, define, or categorize me. I realized that for the past sixty years, I’d been assigned a slew of descriptors — both negative, positive, and everything in between.

For example, my ex-husband would gladly tell you a story casting me as a despicable character with a whole list of not-so-nice phrases. On the other hand, at my funeral, my friends may (hopefully) portray me with a list full of extraordinary descriptors.

Written by Sheryll James

Desire to scatter my winsome wisdom before my ashes are scattered. Top Writer in psychology—retired physical therapist and mental health counselor.

Responses (1)

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Sheryll what a wonderful read!!! It was so good, I stopped midway and went to audio record some thoughts this post made me think of!!

And I agree—we are who we are…regardless of the words uttered by others of us! That’s encouraging and hopeful to know!

Have a beautiful day!!💕
